Using Facebook is like wading through bullshit. There is fake news, propaganda, bullshit and slime. The media seems to portray the world through the weird spectacles of a drug addict who has lost all perspective, and all hope of leading a normal life. A bullshit filter is required to sift the wheat from the chaff, and the offering is mainly chaff.
The recent reporting of the Salisbury poisoning of the Russian double agent and his daughter and subsequent cover-up by the UK Government when things went wrong, is typical. This is MI6 testing out its prowess at 'False Flag" activities, by allowing some juveniles from its FF 101 class, to do some local experiments. MI6 should get instructors from the CIA who are much more skilled at this activity. We are not amused, nor is Mr Putin, and Mr Lasrov, who has expressed his outrage at the UN Security Council. Who do this fools think they are, and how could they think of getting away with such stupidity? They reason it has several objectives, including to derail Brexit, and topple the Assad Government of Syria.
The bullshit has spread further to encompass a supposed poison gas attack in the suburb of Douma, in Damascas, the capital of Syria. We see on TV and Facebook images of children being treated for gas poisoning, and the scene looks dramatic….but is it true? A week later we still don't know because the UN inspectors have not been able to access the site. Further more, Mr Trump, under the pretext of Assad having used "chemical weapons" has attacked the spot, and two others, with cruise missiles thus damaging much evidence. This US action violates International Law, and puts the US in the rogue nation pidgeon-hole, where it has mostly been since WW2.
The Russian response is to deny all knowledge of the use of chemical weapons and accuse the Americans of staging the whole fraudulent exercise. Did they bring in a film crew from Hollywood, I wonder? It copies the reason of going to war in Iraq, in the quest of the non-existent "Weapons of Mass Destruction". This idea of having "Chemical Weapons" is the same logic as that used in "Global Warning", now morphed into "Climate Change", where the demon is CO2, which must be controlled and preferably eliminated. When the US makes an unverified accusation that you might have chemical weapons, this allows it to invade and blow up the site. A gas cylinder of chlorine can be given to the rebels to make everything more authentic. What a wonderful chaotic world draped in US and UK bullshit we live in.
Regards from Allano
Regards from Allano