Saturday, 26 May 2018


Australia is sliding to its economic doom with the present greedy and stupid mob of pollies at the helm. Their priorities are all wrong. These pollies feed at the Government trough which seems to have a direct link to their bank accounts. They are so far out on a limb of the tree of largesse they will never voluntary come back. However, there is an inkling that something is seriously wrong when we see the rise of the Independent pollies, such as One Nation, the Australian Conservatives, ALA, and the Monash Forum, et al.
We are not alone in this battle against idiocy and political skulduggery found in Western democracies. This serious blight is even more of a problem in the UK and the US. At least in the US they have a good Leader as President, in Mr Trump, who is slowly making progress in demolishing the charlatans in opposition, Sosna, a Trump analyst, says today: "The rope is slowly being tightened against the throats of all the big time swamp creatures". The swamp is being drained in the USA. We haven't even started draining the swamp in Canberra.
Our Australian economy is controlled by stupid Green pollies who support and promote the anti-carbon propaganda of the corrupt United Nations, with its ridiculous RETS, or Renewable Energy Targets. They work for the Ministry of Energy and the Environment, and are found in the Prime Minister's Office. We are being controlled by a foreign power and the instigators are not even "dual citizens". Ha ha ha … are being hoodwinked by a clever lawyer. Next you will be having a Republic, and next you will have a country controlled by Muslims. That is the future installed for us, unless you do something to stop it.
Regards from Allano.

Sunday, 20 May 2018


Once upon a time, about 30 years ago, Australian politics was a reputable endeavour. We were proud of our pollies who mostly were doing a good job running the country for the benefit of us all. Now things have changed. Australian politics has become a cess-pit of bullshit, skulduggery and treason. We pensioners and retirees have been left out in the cold wondering what's happened.
In the good old days we could enjoy retirement by watching cricket, or going fishing, or visiting the grandchildren etc, but now we are wondering how to pay the next power bill, or whether someone is Arthur or Martha. Terrorism has raised it's ugly head. Gang violence is a worry in many cities. And our pollies have all gone stupid and don't, or wont rectify matters. We have no LEADER to do so, unlike the USA which has Mr Trump, a businessman, to sort things out when they get out of hand.
I have no hestitation in giving free political advice to our Australian pollies. They are not unique in being stupid. I do the same for pollies in the US, UK and NZ. They all need our help, i.e., for someone to point out their follies and so perhaps make the world a better place to live in, if they correct these follies.
At the moment Australian politics is smothered in the smokescreen of the DUAL CITIZEN SAGA. Sadly you are being hoodwinked by some clever lawyers. My view is that the Constitution should not be changed, but preserved as an important historic document. There are other ways of resolving the supposed problem. Firstly, look at what other countries do about qualifications for being an MP, in Europe, and British Commonwealth countries. How can a pollie, born in Canada, or India, be accused of potential treason? Such pollies have been fired from our Federal parliament by a High Court decision. These pollies have been wrongly punished for a supposed crime that they MIGHT commit, which is not acceptable in law. The High Court is MAD on this issue.
Another serious problem facing Australian politics is the infiltration of Government by raving lunatics promoting renewable energy. They seem to think that Renewable Energy is like perpetual motion and can be harnessed directly to their bank accounts, thus giving an endless supply of money from the Government trough. This has got to STOP.
A measure of the stupidity of pollies regarding this matter is found by the level each Party supports the UN inspired RETS, or Renewable Energy Targets, viz., LNP 26%, Labor 50% and Greens 100%. This is a shocking level of stupidity revealed to the rest of the World. The whole idea rests on the anti-carbon mythology promoted worldwide by the United Nations. Our Prime Minister thinks this to be a good idea. I don't, for it will lead to the ruin of Australia and establishment of the One World Government. Take your pick for the future.
Regards from Allano.

Friday, 11 May 2018


Re the "Dual citizen saga". I am not suggesting that the Constitution be changed....I think it should be preserved as is, it being an important historical document. It is up to lawyers to find an acceptable remedy to the problem. Important facts to consider are that you can not help where you were born. (Being born elsewhere, and to travel, seems to give you a broader understanding of the world's problems). Also, it is not acceptable to be punished for a supposed crime that you MIGHT commit, as opposed to one having been committed. Our pollies, what ever Political Party they represent, should not be fired from Parliament just because someone says they could potentially commit treasonous, unloyal behaviour, because they were born in the UK, Canada or NZ etc. This is madness. What about being innocent until being proven guilty.? Most of the treasonous behaviour observed today is done by dinkum Aussie citizens. Australia is going through a period of rampant lunacy. It is time it woke up to the dangers that lie ahead.


Facebool post;
Our Federal Government needs all the help it can get to produce a prosperous future for us all. . It is stupid for the High Court to deliberately bar willing pollies from serving us to their best ability, whatever Party they represent. Where the pollies where born, or who their parents are, is not relevant. (A geologist's view point).

Tuesday, 1 May 2018


Facebook blog of two years ago:
Osborne, near Adelaide, in South Australia has been the home of the Australian Submarine Corporation or ASC (Government owned) since it was established in 1987. It is noted for the design and construction of our six Collins class submarines, having diesel-electric propulsion, and ca 4500 tonne weight. Ever since ASC has been responsible for repairs, maintenance and design upgrades of the submarine fleet.
Currently in progress is the construction of three Hobart class Air Warfare Destroyers of ca 6259 tonnes. According to Turnbull's recent Defence White Paper , further down the pipeline of jobs are new Frigates to be built, costing $35 billion, supplying 2000 jobs, starting in 2020 and twelve Offshore Patrol Vessels, costing $3 billion, requiring 400 jobs. So the naval ship building skills of the ASC are to be continually maintained into the distant future.
However, the wisdom of the idea of building TWELVE more submarines at ASC as a replacement for the six existing Collins subs, at an estimated cost of $50 billion, is not obvious. The Navy can not justify committing to such a huge expenditure, considering that its track record in building submarines is not good (we have one or two operational at any one time), and the fact the Federal Government just doesn't have that sort of money to spare in its forward budgets.
We are not planning on starting a war. We don't want more submarines.....the present Collins lot are a disaster. There are many major items that we actually do WANT (e.g, hospitals, schools, roads, power stations, hydro-dams etc) that also cost billions of dollars to construct, and there is only so much money to divvy up. The Navy must pull its head in and be a responsible citizen, and not get carried away with its enthusiasm for promoting the "Free World"
The defence of Australia is quite adequately done by surface vessels (Destroyers and Frigates etc), by a strong air force and drones, and the army, without wasting money on trying to build submarines we don't want. Therefore I suggest the ASC should change its name to the Australian Shipbuilding Corporation, or ASC as before, in recognition of its broader engineering skills base.....submarines being out of sight and out of mind.
Regards from Allano.