Our news media must spend all night dreaming up bunkum and
fake news to spread next day on the airwaves in order to scare gullible people. The media is supposed to report on factual
news, like the Californian wild fires, about which they are doing a good job,
however journalists are all always tempted to make up the news, instead of just
reporting on it.
Today was a goldmine of the improbable. Australia university professors were reported
on their speculation of what would happen to the Earth if there was a 5 degree
rise in global temperature. All species,
including humans, would become extinct,
they said. Of course they then
appeal to Government to stop this climate change before it is too late. Being a geologist, I was not impressed with
their argument. People living in Siberia would be pleased about such a rise in
temperature. My bet is that the World is heading for another Ice Age which is a
lot more dangerous to humans.
Next we were lambasted by another horror to do with climate
change with the authority this time being the CEO’s of our major energy
companies BHP, Woodside and Rio Tinto.
According to the ABC, these leaders of industry want a price on CARBON
in order to save the World from overheating and extinction (according to UN
mythology). According to them we must
urge the Government to make the transition to a low carbon economy by reducing
our Greenhouse gas emissions and so supposedly stop climate change. Well, well, well……also ha, ha, ha. If this is truly what these CEOs believe,
then they are raving loonies. I advise
to sell any shares you may have in their companies before they go broke. Woodside has always favoured CCS (carbon
capture and storage) which is a nonsense technology.
So, don’t believe everything you may read on the
Internet. Half of it is nonsense, but
which half?
Regards from Allano